Hansaplast - Foot Spray.
Hansaplast - Foot Spray.
Hansaplast - Foot Spray.
hyundai euro 2012

The brief:
Hyundai was the main sponsor for Euro2012.  How can we make this big 
and really get the Euro2012 home, and keep it’s fever alive?
The idea:
our Hyundai cars became our actual mobile advertising canvass.
16 teams. 16 cars. One winner.

VANILLA - Lingeri
Beirut - 2011
In-store poster
VANILLA - Lingeri
Beirut - 2011
In-store poster
VANILLA - Lingeri
Beirut - 2011
In-store poster
WESAYA - Food Chain.
These spots were placed as one in one commercial break.
DAEWOO TV _ Envy Kills
EGYPT 2003
The first AD was placed into a special buy on a cover of a weekely news paper for accidents.
Title: The suicide of a young fridge.
MOBINIL Cinema - Public awareness campaign.
MOBINIL - 2 million campaign. 
One-Off Projects

One-Off Projects

TV commercials


Creative Fields